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Nevada Probate Lawyers
(702) 388-1229

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Nevada Probate Lawyer
Nevada Probate Lawyers
Nevada Probate Attorney
Nevada Probate Attorneys
Nevada Estate Lawyer
Nevada Estate Attorney
Probate Lawyer In Nevada
Las Vegas Probate Lawyer
Las Vegas Probate Lawyers
Las Vegas Probate Attorney
Las Vegas Probate Attorneys
Las Vegas Estate Lawyer
Las Vegas Estate Attorney
Probate Lawyer In Las Vegas


... interest, vested or contingent, and the owner of an interest by assignment or other transfer ... court, as authorized by statute or ordered by the court, requiring a person to appear, directing a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 31
... 31.010   Application to court for writ of attachment.   The plaintiff at the time of issuing the summons, or at any time thereafter, may apply to the court for an order directing the clerk to issue a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 281
NRS 281.167             Payment of subsistence and expenses of travel and moving on transfer or hiring of state employee; repayment on voluntary termination of employment; regulations ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 642
NRS 642.065             Regulations relating to funeral directing and establishments ... Transfer of a license, certificate or permit to another location.......................... 225

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 389
4.  Upon receipt of such a petition, the court shall enter an order directing the witness to appear before the court at a time and place to be fixed by the court in its order, the time to be not ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 640A
3.  Upon such a petition, the court shall enter an order directing the person subpoenaed to appear before the court at a time and place to be fixed by the court in its order, the time to be not ...

... of mentally ill offenders; authorizing justices’ courts and municipal courts to transfer ... AN ACT relating to public highways; directing the Department of Transportation, Clark County and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 459
Possession, Transfer and Disposal of Radioactive Material NRS 459.201             Licensing and registration of sources of ionizing radiation

e) A request for the court to issue an order directing the transfer of the stocks or bonds or other property if the court finds the gross value of the estate does not exceed $20,000

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 392
... after investigation that a pupil is a habitual truant, the school police officer or law enforcement agency to whom the report is made shall prepare manually or electronically a citation directing ...


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