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Las Vegas Probate Attorney
Las Vegas Probate Attorneys
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Las Vegas Estate Attorney
Probate Lawyer In Las Vegas


Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 171
The citation must be signed by the peace officer. If the citation is prepared electronically, the officer shall sign the copy of the citation that is delivered to the person charged with the ...

3.  The citation must specify the estate and the party petitioning for partition.       4.  The citation must be served in the manner provided in NRS 155.050 at least 10 days before the hearing ...

NRS 155.060   Time for service of citation.   If no other time is specially prescribed, a citation must be served at least 10 days before the day of the hearing, but the court may, for good cause ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 624
... submitting bid if license is suspended, revoked or inactive; failure to comply with written citation ... NRS 624.323             Licensee subject to disciplinary proceeding must submit ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 506
... citation, the appropriate officer shall report the conviction or the failure to comply to the licensing authority of the party state in which the wildlife citation was issued. The report must be ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 159
In all such cases, the citation must be published at least 20 days before the date set for the hearing.       3.  A citation need not be served on a person or an officer of the care provider ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 484
NRS 484.477             Motor must be shut off when supply tank being filled with fuel ... NRS 484.695             Inspection by peace officer or inspector; citation or notice of ...

1999 Statutes of Nevada, Pages 1111-1330
4.  The citation must be in the form prescribed for misdemeanor citations in NRS 171.1773.     Sec. 10.  NRS 483.465 is hereby amended to read as follows

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 392
2.  A copy of the citation must be delivered to the pupil and to the parent, guardian or any other person who has control or charge of the pupil by:       (a) The local law enforcement agency

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 644
A separate citation must be issued for each violation. If appropriate, the citation may contain an order to cease and desist.       (b) Upon finding that a person has violated the provisions of ...


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