NRS 444.047 “Public body” defined. NRS 444.048 Areas leased ... of the Uniform Plumbing Code or any other regulations pursuant thereto, deliver by certified or ...
Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 484
NRS 484.122 “Premises to which the public has access” defined ... to do business in this State, an adjuster licensed pursuant to chapter 684A of NRS or an appraiser ...
Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 233B
NRS 233B.050 Rules of practice; public inspection of regulations, orders ... Parties must be notified either personally or by certified mail of any decision or order
Nevada Legislature
The next session of the Nevada Legislature will begin on February 5, 2007. We are now in the interim period between legislative sessions
Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 533
APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC WATERS GENERAL PROVISIONS NRS 533.010 “Person ... NRS 533.120 Statements to be certified under oath; no fee for administering or ...
3) If required by the Department, a cashier’s check, certified check or money order; or ... 1. Licenses, tags, stamps and permits on the basis of requests, public demand and past sales
Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 266
... of the petition and send a copy of the certificate by registered or certified ... the current appraised value of the real property as determined by the appraiser unless the city council, in a public ...
Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 201
CHAPTER 201 - CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC DECENCY AND GOOD MORALS NONSUPPORT OF SPOUSE, FORMER SPOUSE OR ... a) Mail the results by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person arrested at his last ...
Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 200
NRS 200.140 Justifiable homicide by public officer. NRS 200.150 ... chiropractor’s assistant, a doctor of Oriental medicine, a nurse, a student nurse, a certified ...