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Las Vegas Probate Attorneys
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Probate Lawyer In Las Vegas


NRS 444.615           Solid Waste Management Account: Creation; deposits. NRS 444.616           Solid Waste Management Account: Distribution and use

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 484
CHAPTER 484 - TRAFFIC LAWS GENERAL PROVISIONS NRS 484.011             Purposes of chapter. NRS 484.013             Definitions. NRS 484.014             “Administrative ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 233B
CHAPTER 233B - NEVADA ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT GENERAL PROVISIONS NRS 233B.010          Short title. NRS 233B.020          Legislative intent

Nevada Legislature
The next session of the Nevada Legislature will begin on February 5, 2007. We are now in the interim period between legislative sessions

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 533
State Engineer’s Water License Account. NRS 533.085             Vested rights to water not impaired. ADJUDICATION OF VESTED WATER RIGHTS NRS 533.090             Determination of ...

... necessary for the electronic transfer of any money the applicant may receive from the sale of any licenses, permits, tags, stamps and other documents authorized by the Department to a bank account ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 266
CHAPTER 266 - GENERAL LAW FOR INCORPORATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS GENERAL PROVISIONS NRS 266.005             Inapplicability to certain cities. NRS 266.007             Special ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 201
b) Asks or receives any compensation, gratuity or reward, or promise thereof, for or on account of placing in a house of prostitution or elsewhere a person for the purpose of causing that person to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 200
Any money so collected must be paid by the clerk of the court to the State Controller on or before the fifth day of each month for the preceding month for credit to the Account for Programs Related ...


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