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NRS 153.010 Applicability of chapter.

NRS 153.020 Court retains jurisdiction after final distribution for certain purposes.

NRS 153.031 Petition by trustee or beneficiary concerning affairs of trust: Purposes of petition; contents; notice and hearing.

NRS 153.041 Accounting by trustee; service of citation.

NRS 153.050 Accountings by life tenants and tenants for years.

NRS 153.060 Petition for distribution of residue of trust estate, estate for life or estate for years: Notice.

NRS 153.070 Expenses and compensation of trustees.

NRS 153.080 Conclusiveness of order.

NRS 153.090 Declination of person designated trustee: Procedure.

NRS 153.100 Appointment to fill vacancy.

NRS 153.120 Bond of trustee.

NRS 153.010 Applicability of chapter. The provisions of this chapter govern fiduciaries acting under trusts, wills and court orders in estate proceedings, whether the estate has been distributed or proceedings are now pending.

[Part 244:107:1941; A 1947, 38; 1943 NCL � 9882.244]�(NRS A 1999, 2351)

NRS 153.020 Court retains jurisdiction after final distribution for certain purposes. If a trust, life estate or estate for years is created by or under any will to continue after distribution, the court does not lose jurisdiction of the estate by final distribution, but retains jurisdiction of it until the distribution of the residue to those entitled to it. The distribution may be upon petition of the trustee, his successor in interest or of any person entitled to share in the distribution.

[Part 244:107:1941; A 1947, 38; 1943 NCL � 9882.244]�(NRS A 1959, 512; 1977, 569; 1983, 263, 669; 1999, 2352)

NRS 153.031 Petition by trustee or beneficiary concerning affairs of trust: Purposes of petition; contents; notice and hearing.

  1. A trustee or beneficiary may petition the court regarding any aspect of the affairs of the trust, including:

(a) Determining the existence of the trust;

(b) Determining the construction of the trust instrument;

(c) Determining the existence of an immunity, power, privilege, right or duty;

(d) Determining the validity of a provision of the trust;

(e) Ascertaining beneficiaries and determining to whom property is to pass or be delivered upon final or partial termination of the trust, to the extent not provided in the trust instrument;

(f) Settling the accounts and reviewing the acts of the trustee, including the exercise of discretionary powers;

(g) Instructing the trustee;

(h) Compelling the trustee to report information about the trust or account, to the beneficiary;

(i) Granting powers to the trustee;

(j) Fixing or allowing payment of the trustee�s compensation, or reviewing the reasonableness of his compensation;

(k) Appointing or removing a trustee;

(l) Accepting the resignation of a trustee;

(m) Compelling redress of a breach of the trust;

(n) Approving or directing the modification or termination of the trust;

(o) Approving or directing the combination or division of trusts; and

(p) Amending or conforming the trust instrument in the manner required to qualify the estate of a decedent for the charitable estate tax deduction under federal law, including the addition of mandatory requirements for a charitable-remainder trust.

2. A petition under this section must state the grounds of the petition and the name and address of each interested person, including the attorney general if the petition relates to a charitable trust, and the relief sought by the petition. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the clerk shall set the petition for hearing and the petitioner shall give notice for the period and in the manner provided in NRS 155.010. The court may order such further notice to be given as may be proper.

(Added to NRS by 1999, 2351)

NRS 153.041 Accounting by trustee; service of citation. The trustee may, upon petition of a beneficiary or the guardian of a beneficiary, be ordered to appear at a hearing and render an account. The trustee must be served with a citation in the manner provided in NRS 155.050. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the citation must be served at least 30 days before the day of the hearing. The petition may not be denied unless an account has been filed with the court within 1 year before the petition if filed.

(Added to NRS by 1999, 2351)

NRS 153.050 Accountings by life tenants and tenants for years.

  1. If by law, or by the terms of an instrument creating a life estate or an estate for years, the tenant is required to account for use of the property of the estate, then the provisions of this chapter concerning accounting by a trustee apply to the life tenant and tenant for years and, after death, to the personal representative.
  2. If no obligation to account during his tenancy is imposed upon the tenant, nevertheless such of the provisions of this chapter as apply to accounting by a trustee apply to the personal representatives of the tenant, to the extent of determining the residue of the estate.

[Part 245:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.245]�(NRS A 1959, 513; 1999, 2352)

NRS 153.060 Petition for distribution of residue of trust estate, estate for life or estate for years: Notice. If a petition is filed for distribution of the residue of the trust estate, estate for life or estate for years to those entitled thereto, the clerk shall set the petition for hearing and the petitioner shall give notice of the hearing for the period and in the manner provided in NRS 155.010.

[Part 245:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.245]�(NRS A 1999, 2352)

NRS 153.070 Expenses and compensation of trustees. On the settlement of each account of a trustee, the court shall allow the trustee his proper expenses and such compensation for services as the court may deem just and reasonable. Where there are several trustees, it shall apportion the compensation among them according to the respective services rendered. It may fix a yearly compensation for each trustee, in a set amount or pursuant to a standard schedule of fees, to continue as long as the court may deem proper.

[246:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.246]�(NRS A 1987, 511)

NRS 153.080 Conclusiveness of order. An order entered under the provisions of this chapter, when it becomes final, is conclusive upon all interested persons, whether or not they are competent or in being.

[247:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.247]�(NRS A 1999, 2353)

NRS 153.090 Declination of person designated trustee: Procedure.

  1. A person named or designated as a trustee in a will may, at any time before distribution of any of the estate to him, decline to act as trustee, and an order of court must be entered accepting the resignation, but the declination of any person who has qualified as trustee may not be accepted by the court unless a petition to accept the declination is filed in the proceeding for administration of the estate. Upon the filing of the petition, the clerk shall set it for hearing and the petitioner shall give notice to all interested persons for the period and in the manner provided in NRS 155.010.
  2. In accepting a declination, the court may enter and enforce any order which may be necessary for the preservation of the estate.

[248:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.248]�(NRS A 1999, 2353)

NRS 153.100 Appointment to fill vacancy.

  1. The court in which the administration is pending may, at any time before final distribution of the trust, appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy in the office of trustee under the will, whether resulting from death, declination, resignation, removal or otherwise, if the appointment is necessary to carry out the trust. A person who is named in the will to fill the vacancy has priority for appointment.
  2. The appointment may be made by the court upon the petition of an interested person. Upon the filing of the petition, the clerk shall set it for hearing and the petitioner shall give notice to all interested persons for the period and in the manner provided in NRS 155.010.
  3. The court may appoint a temporary trustee without notice if necessary to preserve the trust estate.

[249:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.249]�(NRS A 1999, 2353)

NRS 153.120 Bond of trustee. The court may require a person appointed as trustee, before acting as a trustee, to give a bond as is required of a personal representative. If a bond is required, the trustee must be allowed the cost of the bond out of the trust estate.

[251:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.251]�(NRS A 1999, 2353)