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...Responsibilities of an Executor As executor, your first duty is to initiate probate, the.....When you appear in probate court you�ll need the original signed will and a certified copy.....The job of the probate court is to decide the validity of the will, generally a routine.. (score=100)
Life Advice About...Being an Executor
...As executor, your first duty is to initiate probate, the formal process of proving the.....When you appear in probate court you ll need the original signed will and a certified copy.....The job of the probate court is to decide the validity of the will, generally a routine.. (score=98)
...getting appraisals of the deceased's property, probate provide the perfect cover for scam.....drafted and executed, it can avoid probate be- work best for your particular circumstances.....Probate is a legal process that usually in- your estate and your minor children. The.. (score=97)
FCIC: Livings Trust Offers: How to Make Sure They're Trust-worthy
...Misinformation and misunderstanding about estate taxes and the length or complexity of.....Probate is a legal process that usually involves filing a deceased person's will with the.....Many states have simplified probate for estates below a certain amount, but that amount.. (score=97)
FCIC: Establishing a Trust Fund
...Revocable living trusts avoid the often lengthy probate process but, by themselves, don't.....The assets to fund these trusts must usually go through the probate process. In certain.....To avoid probate and transfer your assets immediately to your beneficiaries upon death.. (score=92)
...Revocable living trusts avoid the often lengthy probate process but, by themselves, don't.....The assets to fund these trusts must usually go through the probate process. In certain.....probate. However, if the grantor names himself or herself as trustee or is entitled to.. (score=92)
Living Trust Offers -- FCIC News Release
...probate process in the courts. But living trusts are not for everyone, and scam artists.. (score=91)
Life Advice About...Making a Will
...If no executor is named in a will, a probate judge will appoint one. Probate refers to the legal procedure for the orderly.....The executor files the will in probate court, where a judge decides if the will is valid.. (score=91)
FCIC - Consumer Focus
...Prepare to begin probate.. Probate is the court-supervised process of paying the deceased's debts.....probate process. If the deceased did not have a will, state law will determine how their.....Contact the probate court in the state where the deceased lived for details. Top.. Other.. (score=90)
Caring For Your Car -- FCIC News Release
...probate process in the courts. But living trusts are not for everyone, and scam artists.. (score=89)
...Such legal documents as Living or Revocable Trusts offer ways to avoid probate. * Trusts.. (score=88)
FCIC: Taking Legal Action
...Many states have traffic, family, probate or small claims courts. Small Claims Court.. (score=88)
FCIC: Consumer Protection - A Guide to Your Rights and Choices
...However, there may be easier, cheaper ways to avoid probate than a living trust, and most.....probate or estate taxes. Find out about the probate process in your area. For more.. (score=88)
...Many states have traffic, family, probate or small claims courts. Small Claims Court Many.. (score=88)
...Elderlaw encompasses traditional areas of legal practice such as estate planning and.....probate, real estate, or tax issues. Even attorneys who list themselves as elderlaw.. (score=88)